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banking supervisory authority中文是什么意思

用"banking supervisory authority"造句"banking supervisory authority"怎么读"banking supervisory authority" in a sentence


  • 银行监管当局


  • Then , the basic concepts of problem bank , both by the united state of america and china banking supervisory authorities , are introduced in brief words
  • To enhance the exchange of supervisory information and co - operation , the hkma has entered into mous or other formal arrangements with a number of banking supervisory authorities outside hong kong
  • As a significant banking supervisory authority , the hkma stands ready to provide whatever further assistance is requested of us , in addition to the assistance we have been providing in the training of banking supervisors
  • In order to enable a wider group of countries to be associated with the work being pursued in basel , the committee has always encouraged contacts and cooperation between its members and other banking supervisory authorities
  • These standards were communicated to other banking supervisory authorities who were invited to endorse them , and in july 1992 the standards were published . the committee is constantly exploring the mechanics of enforcing these standards
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